Thinking Green.

Thinking green.

For us this is about challenging our business in all areas to become eco-conscious and eco-efficient: to adapt our ways of working to reflect our strong commitment to limiting our impact on the environment wherever possible. This is our ‘thinking green’.

It is widely acknowledged that the construction industry needs to reduce its impact on the environment in terms of both waste and carbon emissions. At Optera we recognise our responsibility and are tackling this head-on by looking at all elements of the business.

Our commitment to thinking green has so far seen policies introduced which actively help the environment by reducing our carbon footprint and waste and we are continuing to work with environmental experts to take further steps to ensure we are ecologically responsible.

Reducing landfill waste.

We recycle as much of our waste as possible and use recycled or sustainable materials where practical for our projects and offices.

Smart job planning.

Our jobs are carefully planned to improve coordination of site deliveries, minimise journeys and save fuel. Our ambition is to increase the number of electric or hybrid vehicles in our fleet.

Saving Trees.

We have installed over over 1,000 conventional root barriers saving hundreds of trees from being felled.

We have installed over 1,000 conventional root barriers saving hundreds of trees from being felled. Our recently developed new gel barrier system, specifically designed for areas that have limited or restricted access, will now offer clients the opportunity to save more trees where previously felling was the only option.

“… London’s trees are the lungs of our city and they can make a real difference improving quality of life in local neighbourhoods.”
Sadiq Khan

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