Optera were called upon to investigate a significant structural movement that suddenly occurred to a large property in Northamptonshire. […]
Significant structural movement

Optera were called upon to investigate a significant structural movement that suddenly occurred to a large property in Northamptonshire. […]
A London school recently identified failing boundary walls which were a health and safety risk to the public on their daily commute. The nation locked down, Optera devised safe systems of work for our dedicated staff, implementing safety measures, including recording staff temperature daily, 2m distancing and increased cleaning regimes. Implementing a footpath closure, the […]
At Optera we like to keep our customers informed. The Optera Portal is the easiest way for a customer to stay informed and updated during the planned works at their property. The information is always current and completely secure. Plus, it’s available online 24/7, so it can be viewed at any time and from anywhere. […]
Optera were recently engaged by our insurer client to design and build a remedial solution to a failing retaining wall on the outskirts of Bristol. Our investigations revealed the wall to be rotating due to the hydrostatic pressure build up behind the wall, caused by faulty and silted weep holes which were set too low […]
Optera have been engaged by our insurer client following storms which caused the existing dry stone retaining wall to collapse into the adjacent highway. It is important in this historic part of Bristol to re-create the aesthetics and appearance of the wall whilst providing an engineered solution to the problem at hand. With a road […]
The Optera team are delighted to have been shortlisted as a finalist in the ‘Outsourced Partner of the Year Award’ category, at the 2020 British Insurance Awards. This award nomination shows the dedication Optera has towards research and development. Optera have developed a system in conjunction with Crawford & Company to produce a greener, faster […]
This week our specialist structural repair team have been on-site in Merthyr Tydfil, repairing a retaining wall that collapsed into the highway, blocking a road near to the property. The wall collapsed (as far as we can ascertain) at the end of November 2018 and was reported in the press. 4 properties are directly affected […]
To help reduce our carbon footprint we have added a Tesla Model 3 to our fleet. Using the latest technology and innovation we endeavour, where possible, to work remotely. On complex projects our team attends site to evaluate structural issues more closely and identify early intervention possibilities. With this in mind our new addition of […]
Our experienced teams are based all over the UK. Our expertise extends to underpinning, structural lifting, slope stabilisation, retaining structures […]
We’re delighted to introduce our new outstanding Avant 750 loader to the team. We are proud to invest in specialist equipment at Optera, which helps our skilled trades on sites throughout the UK. We are sure this will impress when called into action. […]